Private tattoo sessions
Private tattoo studio based in Rotterdam city, Netherlands.
Realistic style tattoo artworks, custom made designs.
We are a fully licensed and reputable private tattoo studio located in the vibrant city of Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Our commitment to providing a personalized and high-quality tattoo experience means that we operate by appointment only; we do not accommodate walk-in clients.
This approach allows us to dedicate the necessary time and attention to each individual, ensuring that every tattoo is crafted to perfection and tailored to meet your unique vision. We invite you to schedule a consultation to discuss your ideas and embark on a creative journey together.
KvK Nummer: 73160091
IBAN: NL42 INGB 0009 0273 45 t.v.m Cipas Art
BTW: NL784096259B01
GGD approved. The place is fully permitted with National Centre for Hygiene and Safety. To confirm please follow this link https://www.veiligtatoeerenenpiercen.nl/vind-hier-je-studio database of all studios in the Netherlands with a valid permit to provide legal tattoo service. Simply type "Cipas Art"
Boergoensestraat 35B02
Rotterdam 3082KB

Instagram feed
Boergoensestraat 35B02
Rotterdam 3082KB
0617283381 (only whatsapp)
We are based as a private tattoo studio, any walk-in visits are not allowed without a scheduled appointment. To do so you can, via WhatsApp, email, and social networks like Facebook and Instagram (direct link in footer)